
We are excited to introduce you to UNITE Family Services, a parent-child visitation agency specifically tailored to infants and children with complex medical needs. UNITE was created by a group of foster parents and medical professionals coming together with the desire to provide a supportive setting which allows children to safely visit and maintain a bond with their biological family with the ultimate goal of safe and successful reunification.  Traditionally, medically needy infants and children have been unable to fully participate in visitation due to the complexity of their medical needs and potential safety risks.<\p>

With the help of your donations, UNITE seeks to immediately and actively engage with the child’s care providers in order to assure a child’s safety, while minimizing the typical barriers to initiating visits.  In addition to their own personal experiences caring for medically fragile children, UNITE staff have actively participated in extensive education regarding a wide variety of health complications.  It is our belief that the earlier a parent can begin learning to care for a medically complex child and feel empowered to play an active role in maintaining the child’s health, the more successful the outcome for the child.

We welcome any infant or child with specialized health care needs or unique circumstances that require a customized visitation plan.  We strive to provide the highest level of service to the children and families in our community. Your donations help make this possible!

Thank you for the part you and all of our community partners have played in helping restore medically complex children and their families in our city.